about Meike Duch and Andreas Lietzow and their projects


(This is by no means a comprehensive list!)


AP,  international news agency

dpa,  international news agency, Bulgaria, international

Allgemeine Zeitung Namibia, Namibia

Africa Focus, international, international, international

BB Radio, Germany

Bild, Germany

Blick  Online, Switzerland

Blickpunkt Quickborn, Germany

BloPop Magazine, USA

Delmenhorster Kreisblatt, Germany

Eins Festival, Germany, international

Engerscher Anzeiger, Germany

European Media Monitor, international

Extra  Radio Hof, Germany

Hamburger Morgenpost, Germany

Hamburger Abendblatt, Germany

Hessischer Rundfunk, Germany

Hi-Fructose Magazine

Iran Daily, Iran

Kölner Stadtanzeiger, Germany

Men’s Health, Germany

Moon, the choice for intelligent people, Haiti

NDR, Germany

Neckar-Chronik, Germany

Neue Westfälische, Germany

N-Joy  Radio, Germany

Oh, so surreal magazine

Orange Portal, Slovakia

Radio  Andernach, Germany

Radio  Brocken, Germany

Radio  Liberty, Tajikistan

Radio  Star FM, Germany

Radio  Total 96,9 FM, Romania

RBB, Radio 1, Germany

RP, Germany

RTL, Germany

SAT 1, Germany

Schwaebisches Tageblatt, Germany

Schwarzwaelder Bote, Germany

SOL.DE, Germany

Somalia  News, Somalia

Spiegel Online, Germany

SR / Saarlaendischer Rundfunk, Germany

SWR, Germany

Tageblatt für Enger und Spenge, Germany

TAZ, Germany

The Book of Alternative Records, United Kingdom

The  Huffington Post, Tanzania

The  Namibian, Namibia

The  Panama News, Panama

The Thomaston Times, United States

T.H.E. Magazin, Germany

Velvet, Germany

Wandsbecker Wochenblatt, Germany

WDR, Germany

Westfalen-Blatt, Germany

Yahoo  Nachrichten Deutschland, Germany

Zambezi  Times Online, international

and many more...
(If you find another media report, please let us know about it! And if you are not listed here and should be, please contact us! )




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Meike Duch & Andreas Lietzow
All rights reserved.