added November 24, 2015, by Andreas

Hairy Icosahedron print, shirt and sculpture Meike Duch & me playing nicely together!


added November 23, 2015, by Meike

Found this in a park nearby...

Made note to self:
Remember to clean up after the bear as well...!
I guess the bags are pretty big?


added November 18, 2015, by Meike

“Sweet Temptation of the Holy Something”

by Andreas Lietzow & MeikeDuch

New and available as limited edition prints on paper and wood panels!



added November 17, 2015, by Meike

Stay tuned...! Almost there...!

added November 16, 2015, by Meike

Sneak peek...

added November 12, 2015, by Meike

… sitting on a park bench as time flies by ...


added November 04, 2015, by Meike

I had an awesome, amazing and adorable encounter - again - that really touched my heart!

Just having finished some harvest for winter tea in the woods I twisted (a bit - don't worry) one of my favourite ankles. So I hobbled a couple of meters and then sat down to give some of my body parts the chance to remember where they came from.

And immediately after I sat down a very sweet chickadee started to fly very (!) closely repeatedly over me. So close that it even gently (!) touched my head while flying by! All that while friendly chirping. And after doing that for a while it landed on some wood just a few centimetres next to me. I was so surprised and overwhelmed by joy!

When I reached out with my hand it hopped on it and had this adorable look on its face.

For some reason I feel very much adopted by the chickadee species by now...! I love it...!!!


added November 03, 2015, by Meike

Enjoying to learn how to make apple cider...!


added October 28, 2015, by Meike

It's rose hip harvesting season!

They're a bit tricky to pick and to prepare - but full of vitamin C and so, so delicious...!


added October 26, 2015, by Andreas


added October 21, 2015, by Meike

Found a gorgeous and very friendly grasshopper.

Since it was sitting in the middle of a bicycle lane I caught it and brought it to a greener place to frolic.
I think it might have not been very enthusiastic about the transport - but I hope looking retrospectively at the relocation it might appreciate the good intention.


added October 20, 2015, by Meike

Look, who's enjoying the autumn sun...


added October 16, 2015, by Meike

Gorgeous apple tree with ocean view...!

Found this beautiful apple tree that nobody seems to know or care about. Well, yes, it was a bit of a steep climb to reach it - and it was definitely worth the try! I picked a few apples, enjoyed the magnificent ocean view and bathed in the warm autumn sun. All good!


added October 14, 2015, by Andreas

Often requested and now here they are: Hairy Icosahedron shirts!

I'm very happy about how Meike's and my artworks look on stuff people can wrap themselves in!

Find more Hairy Icosahedron shirts here:
Yay, Hairy Icosahedron shirts!


added October 14, 2015, by Meike

While picking berries in the woods I got approached by some chickadees again.

I thought they might want a huckleberry - but all they wanted is to sit on my hand.
So we spent some happy time together enjoying each other's company.


added October 08, 2015, by Meike

Found an extraordinary sweet rat in a tree!

It seemed to be very smart and a skilled climber - it even got along fine with some feathered friends.


added October 07, 2015, by Andreas

Oh, so happy!!

The wonderful “Oh, so surreal” magazine just published an great article - with interview - about my artwork!
Have a look:
“Oh, so surreal” magazine:
Interview with creator of cuddly surreal creatures Andreas Lietzow


added October 06, 2015, by Meike


added October 05, 2015, by Meike


added October 05, 2015, by Meike

Made another adorable new furry friend...


added October 02, 2015, by Meike

Went to the woods and found a beautiful raindrop.

In my eyes it looks like a gem...!


added September 30, 2015, by Meike

Still finding wild blackberries!

The woods continue being good to me! Lucky me...!


added September 28, 2015, by Meike

We spent most of last night outside watching the supermoon.

I somehow managed to end up with an empty camera battery by taking some long time exposure pictures of the moon before the eclipse even started because I found it so, so beautiful.

That's why instead of taking photos of the lunar eclipse I just excitedly watched it - tightly snuggled into the arms of my favourite creature, aka Andreas. Thank you, battery!

I think it was the most impressive astronomical event I was ever honoured to witness!


added September 26, 2015, by Meike

Dear friends,

Thank you so much for all your wonderful birthday wishes! I am so lucky to have so many lovely, encouraging and inspiring people in my life!

Thank you very much for being part of my next round around the sun! I'm sure it will be a great one and we'll enjoy the ride together tremendously! Wheeee!


added September 14, 2015, by Meike


added September 09, 2015, by Meike

I just met a lovely little curious chipmunk!

I love chipmunks...!


added September 01, 2015, by Meike

Here is the newest of my growing collection of Mi'kmaq learning cards that I started to create!

It's “the head”, the beginner's version - plus a butterfly. Every head needs a butterfly...

And here are more: Mi'kmaq learning cards


added August 26, 2015, by Meike

Meet Elli.

Elli is my favourite wild bunny friend. I loved her from the first time we met! And she seems to be ok with me as well as she - as long as I move correctly - let me come surprisingly close.
I took this picture at our first encounter. And she already taught me a lot about how to move around wild friends. So I'm a very thankful student and she's a wonderful teacher...!


added August 24, 2015, by Meike


added August 20, 2015, by Andreas


added August 19, 2015, by Meike


added August 18, 2015, by Meike

I love going to the woods and pick wild berries so much!
It's good for my body, my mind and my soul.


added August 12, 2015, by Meike

Because we can...

We live in a wonderful time!
We can have a picture of the “other side” of Pluto. We can get tons and tons of information, entertainment and communication via internet. We can cure illnesses that were a death sentence just a little while ago. We live in an amazing time, don't we?!

So what do we do in these times of abundance?
Countries close their borders for those in desperate need of refuge from war and suffering not because their residents earned somehow to be born in a safer country - they only do it because they can. People receive expensive medical care to cure their diseases of affluence while others starve to death - because they can. People live in luxury while others live in the street, not because they deserve to live in abundance for any moral reason - but because they can. Some enjoy a life in a country whose inhabitants have a life expectancy almost 40 years longer than humans in another country. They enjoy that privilege not because they are better human beings - but just because they can.
The list goes on and on. There are so many social injustices that are just not justifiable.

So here is my thinking:
Why don't we feed the hungry - just because we can?
Why don't we shelter those who are in need of protection - just because we can?
Why don't we take care of those in need, those in our neighbourhoods and those on the other side of the planet - because we can?
We can - so let's do it!

More: World’s Greatest Smile - Welcome to Earth


added August 11, 2015, by Meike

“advanced feelings”
by Andreas Lietzow & MeikeDuch

New and available as limited edition prints in two sizes!


added August 07, 2015, by Meike

More: World’s Greatest Smile - Welcome to Earth


added August 07, 2015, by Andreas

We have a new neighbour!

An otter just moved in! I love to be surrounded by so many very awesome evolutionary results! 2 species of eagle, beaver, deer, snakes, raven, bumblebees, humans, chipmunks, minks and so many more just outside the house and now an otter, too!
We call him “Ufo” (unbelivable fancy otter)!

P.S.: Because the Ufo is still a little shy I uesed an archive photo.


added August 05, 2015, by Andreas

I made the next one to support the wonderful concept of Human Rights!

More: World’s Greatest Smile - Welcome to Earth


added August 05, 2015, by Meike

Now that we enjoy the lovely summer time with wonderful beach weather and a great berry harvest:
This is how beautiful down-town Halifax looked like in spring...! Yes, spring...! It was so much fun - I loved it as well!


added August 04, 2015, by Meike

Instead of watching the local Natal Day festival fireworks last night we comforted a cat in a shop window that obviously wasn't very happy about fireworks.

So we consoled her as good as we could through the glass and she seemed to appreciate that! And probably even more than I would have liked the fireworks I enjoyed the feline company...
Thanks, Bella, for the photo!


added August 04, 2015, by Andreas

My newest one - I call it "Puppets"...!

More: World’s Greatest Smile - Welcome to Earth


added August 03, 2015, by Meike

More: World’s Greatest Smile - Welcome to Earth


added July 30, 2015, by Meike

My new Human Rights Awareness shirt for the Human Rights project World’s Greatest Smile! Yay!

More: World’s Greatest Smile Human Rights shirts...!


added July 28, 2015, by Meike

Went to the park and made some new friends - lots and lots of them - and found out that I can hold my breath for a really long time.

So no midge fly was harmed in the making of this picture - and no human either.
They are harmless cute company and you can even gently (!) play with them.


added July 23, 2015, by Meike

Here is the newest of my new Human Rights Awareness Shirts that I design for our Human Rights project World's Greatest Smile.

 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Article 19:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and  regardless of frontiers.€

 (You can find the shirts here: )
Please share Human Rights Awareness!


added July 22, 2015, by Meike

Yay! We have a new rescue dragon in the neighbourhood!

Our neighbour just found this magnificent fellow right next to the street. Isn't it an awesome creature...?!
I love people caring for others without distinction of colour, species, teeth...!


added July 21, 2015, by Meike

Look, we found serviceberries for the first time!

At the first tree we found exactly 2!
I was very excited because I never had them before! Then a chickadee landed right next to my head in the tree and politely asked for my  berry. So I served it with my little serviceberry harvest and my new friend took it gently right out of my hand...
And just when Andreas and I both started to think about how to share the one little berry we had left we found another tree with more!
We had them for dessert and I can confirm the opinion of my lovely chickadee-friend: They are really good!


added July 21, 2015, by Andreas

Look what we found in the wilderness: Serviceberries, also called sugarplums!

Since I'm able to identify them I find them everywhere - which is good, because they contain more sugar than blueberries.


added July 20, 2015, by Meike

Went to the woods and found this beauty.

I'd love to know what it is and if the berries are edible.
The berries always come in sets of two so I would call them ”Happy couple berries”€ because they are so easy to share...!


added July 16, 2015, by Meike

Everyone has the same right to food.

So let's start to work it out...!

More: World’s Greatest Smile - Welcome to Earth


added July 15, 2015, by Andreas

I hope evolution let me grow at least two more tentacles so I can paint these faster...

More: World’s Greatest Smile - Welcome to Earth


added July 15, 2015, by Andreas

Oh, yes!
We just started an additional project as part of our Human Rights project “Worlds Greatest Smile”!
Huge excitement!
A small step for a... let's say 'human' - a big step for the future!
Have an early look:

More: World’s Greatest Smile - Welcome to Earth


added July 15, 2015, by Meike

Human Rights shirts...!

I'm very excited because I started to design a new T-Shirt series with Human Rights topics for our Human Rights project “World's Greatest Smile”...!

They come in adult and kids sizes and lots of shirt-colours!

The proceeds of the shirts will be donated to the “World's Greatest Smile”!

Have a look here: World’s Greatest Smile Human Rights shirts...!


added July 01, 2015, by Meike

Enjoy Canada Day, everyone!

I'm so much looking forward to every one of my friends from near and far visiting Halifax this summer...!
As a teaser: On the right you see the Halifax boardwalk where we can take a stroll. Welcome to Halifax!


added June 30, 2015, by Meike


For the very first time I've found and eaten wild strawberries! Wiiild straaawberriiies...!
I'm sooo excited! And they taste sooo goood! There is more taste in each of this little ones than in a whole bunch of supermarket strawberries! And they smell sooo goood as well!
I wish there was a way to share taste and smell via internet so I could share it with all of you!


added June 30, 2015, by Andreas

In the wild with Meike...
“Look, there's a strawberry blossom!”
“Look, there's a wild strawberry!”
“Look, there are hundreds of them!”
They are tiny, but each of them has the flavour of a bunch of 'normal' ones!


added June 29, 2015, by Meike

Welcome to heaven!


added June 25, 2015, 13:03, by Meike

Look what happened when I tried for the first time to speak chickadee...!


added June 24, 2015, 12:55, by Andreas

Hello, friends! Just to let you know:

Life is good and in 48 hours the prices for Meike's and my prints go up! So if you want to get them for the current price you have to do it now!

Here they are!


added June 24, 2015, 12:41, by Meike

Went to the woods and made another lovely new friend!


added June 17, 2015, 11:24, by Meike

I've found the first inhabited woodpecker's nest!

It seems that mom and dad woodpecker are very precise builders! And they even placed a cuddly welcome feather at the entrance...!

Don't you wish you could live in there? I know I do...!

I really should set up a webcam to look inside – that would be so interesting!


added June 16, 2015, 13:00, by Meike

Went to the woods and found the first tiny hazelnuts of the year!

I wonder who gets to eat them, the squirrels, the chipmunks, humans or some other critters. I hope it's the chipmunks – they are the nicest...

Grow, little nuts, grow! Go nuts!


added June 10, 2015, 12:34, by Meike

“the Reason for Everything”
by Andreas Lietzow & Meike Duch

New and available as limited edition prints in two sizes!


added June 09, 2015, 14:57, by Meike

It's official now: I'm becoming a beaver!

I just ate a tree... Well, just a bit of it – I'm a novice beaver I guess.

I've read that spruce tips are edible. The taste was described as citrusy, in other cases as turpentine like.
So we went to the woods and picked some spruce tips. I never aimed to eat something turpentiny - so I hoped to find a citrusy one. Well, we got a turpentiny one...
Andreas’ facial expression when he tried the first raw one was priceless! Even I had to admit that it wasn't “really tasty”.
We cooked the rest of our spruce tips in tomato sauce and that way it was much better. Next time we need to try them as tea, too.
Spruce tips are a great natural source of vitamin C! And next time we'll pick from another spruce and hopefully it'll be a citrusy one – that would be awesome!

Will eat it anyway – we beavers need to stick together...!


added May 27, 2015, 14:57, by Andreas

We're so very excited!

Thank you so much, BloPop Magazine, for the wonderful article and the interview
about Meike's and my work!
We're humbled about being amongst so brilliant artists in this great magazine!

Read the full article here:
BloPop Magazine

The Guardian”

by Andreas Lietzow


added May 26, 2015, 12:40, by Meike

We went to the woods to find some new furry friends.

Found some old friends and this...
I think it was a mellifluous miniature mammoth... or a blitheful frolicking dachshund on stilts... or a brisk happy-go-lucky fairy playing hide-and-seek with a cheerful whimsical unicorn... or...!

It's going to be an exciting summer...!


added May 18, 2015, 11:32, by Meike

This is how our season of harvesting fresh green – and yellow - started! Yay!

So very yummy! Oh, how I missed it!
It's going to be an awesome, delicious and healthy season!


added May 08, 2015, 12:57, by Andreas

“the beauty of the present”
by Andreas Lietzow & Meike Duch

Brand new and available as a limited edition print!


added May 06, 2015, 14:02, by Meike

I got a little scar...

...of a little wound I had. So as I said, it's little – but it's in the middle of my face...
So I avoided to appear in public as long as I had a band-aid and some scab on it. I just went to our printer and she had that What-the-@#!-happened-to-your-face-look and was polite enough not to ask.
And since the scab is off I got this “pretty” red scar – it gets better each day but at the beginning it seemed to “glow in the dark”.

Well, I would be easily able to cover it up with make-up. But I don't use make-up in my daily routine - taking a daily shower, yes, braiding my hair, yes, so I don't get entangled in each berry-bush I have got to explore. I always cared more about the inner than the outer qualities of myself and others.

And now there is the thought: Do I really want to change to make-up just because society expects me to be scar-free? Everyone around seems to be so perfect, always trying to look their best - and I really want to refuse to cover up my obvious imperfection even if I could?

Well, reality is, most of us have scars, some are on the outside, some on the inside. Would it really be such a strange thing to show these scars instead of covering them? Wouldn't it be healthier - on a personal and community level - to care instead about the hiding about the healing?

So if you meet me and wonder if I failed the try to meet the visual community standards or forgot to do it: Relax, I just refused to do so because I have more important things to do!


added April 23, 2015, 12:54, by Meike

Awww, finally...

...the last pieces of ice say a hearty good-bye around here!
Hello, spring!


added April 22, 2015, 14:00, by Meike

I feel that...

...some could need a little reminder that they are loved when  they look in the mirror - or face the rest of the world...

Here are some more: Peeple shirts!


added April 15, 2015, 12:42, by Meike

Worth a try...?

Available as a limited edition print!


added April 14, 2015, 12:47, by Andreas

Special offer:

Get this set of 3!


added April 14, 2015, 12:47, by Andreas

Our third...

...collaboration in the "The Three Pleasures" series:
"the Pleasure of Love"
by Andreas Lietzow & Meike Duch

Available as a limited edition print!


added April 14, 2015, 12:31, by Meike

Amani made some new friends - adorable seal friends!

“Amani” means “Peace” in Swahili, so I think they felt quite comfortable.

more Peeple


added April 11, 2015, 14:00, by Meike

Special offer for a limited time!

Click here to learn more: Peeple shirts!


added April 09, 2015, 12:55, by Meike

Ice cream...?

Well, n-ice try...!
It still doesn't look like spring around here - but obviously we're getting there...


added April 08, 2015, 12:40, by Meike

I started...

...creating a collection of greetings to help spreading joy and happiness...


added April 02, 2015, 12:59, by Meike

Maluhia is enjoying...

...the spring sun – and so are we...!
“Maluhia” means “Peace” in Hawaiian, so I guess frequent adventures in the sunshine lift the spirits!

more Peeple friends in plush


added April 01, 2015, 12:57, by Andreas

Our second collaboration work in the "The Three Pleasures" series!

"the Pleasure of Play"
by Andreas Lietzow & Meike Duch

Available as a limited edition print!



added March 31, 2015, 16:41, by Andreas

Thank you for your wonderful birthday wishes, my friends!

I received hundreds and I'm still reading and enjoy all your friendly words a lot! I started answering all of them and it will probably take some time. :)


added March 23, 2015, 20:22, by Andreas

The new collaboration...

...between Meike and myself: The first of three of the series “The Three Pleasures”!

"the Pleasure of Giving"
by Andreas Lietzow & Meike Duch

Available as a limited edition print!


added March 19, 2015, 13:14, by Andreas

Manliest weather ever!

I, surrounded by frozen testosterone and far above the hidden walkway, enjoying all this sculpting stuff. Seriously, I really enjoy this weather, far better than spring, when you can't leave the house because the flowers are so high.
And tomorrow I will buy an axe, so I can pick a nice butterfly winged kitten sculpture into the frozen waterfall. The photo is taken by weatherproofed Meike! We had so much fun!


added March 19, 2015, 12:20, by Meike

We took a little “walk” yesterday – and we didn't come very far because we got “a bit more snow” (50 cm!) again.

And I had so much fun! I was stuck up to my belly in snow several times and enjoyed myself so much...! I was rolling around on my back feeling with all flipped over turtles of this universe and just laughed and laughed...

It was the best time I've had for a very long time...!

(photo by Andreas )


added March 18, 2015, 13:27, by Andreas

I woke up...

And there was this voice in my head... a voice like Zeus... "Release the unicorns!"...

I think that's a nice and helpful concept! Thanks, brain (Zeus?)!

Some time later my computer had some hiccups and only minutes after I said "Release the unicorns...!" everything was fixed!
Proofed! Releasing the unicorns works very well for solving all kinds of problems! The future is save!


added March 17, 2015, 19:02, by Meike

Peeple shirts!  Yay!

They're 100% cotton and very sweet!

Here are some more: Peeple shirts!


added March 11, 2015, 13:02, by Meike

I'm always in awe and very thankful when we go to “our forest grocery”.

Amazingly nature generously provides - amongst others - lots of vitamin C even in the deepest snow! Love it very much!


added March 04, 2015, 13:00, by Meike


“The beauty of confidence”
by Meike Duch

Available as a limited edition print!



added March 03, 2015, 13:00, by Meike

Look, I made spring to make you happy...


added February 26, 2015, 13:00, by Andreas

"The Unicorn's Dream"
by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited edition print!


added February 11, 2015, 11:00, by Meike

I have a new philosophy of life:

It's ok to fall - if I fall I make snow angels.
Snow angels I make...


added January 21, 2015, 12:52, by Meike

We picked...

...some fresh birch twig tips for more tea variation.
Even if the birch leaves tea tastes a bit tastier than the twig-tips-tea, the twig-tips-tea is in my opinion still much better than any tea I tried so far from the grocery.
And besides that I enjoy going into the woods to pick them very much...


added January 14, 2015, 12:40, by Andreas

 "Something about hamsters, time travel and conspiracy theories"
by Andreas Lietzow

Brand new and available as a limited edition print!


added January 14, 2015, 12:35, by Meike

We could be friends...

Whether you're Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist or something completely different – we still might have the same values in life. So we can be friends.

Whether you're poor or rich – we might share the same visions. So we can be friends.
Whether you live nearby or at the other end of the world – we might have a shared interest. So we can be friends.
Whether you're male or female – we might enjoy the same sense of humour. So we can be friends.
Whether you're 18 years old or 118 – we might like to gaze at the stars at night together. So we can be friends.
If you're missing arms or legs, are blind, deaf, stuttering, scarred or are otherwise gifted or challenged - we might have the same hopes and dreams. So we can be friends.
Whether you're gay, straight, transgender, bisexual or asexual – you might want to change the world to the better like me. So we can be friends.
Whether you're black, white, red, yellow, green, dotted or chequered – that's awesome! Let's celebrate and enjoy our diversities. And we can easily be friends.

The more different we are from each other, the more we can learn from each other. We can complement each other in so many ways. And therefore we can improve the lives of all of us – and those of future generations.

Let's be friends!


added January 03, 2015, 14:00, by Meike

Today Andreas...

...and I are celebrating our 19th anniversary. I know I'm a very lucky one because there is so much to love about him.
I love how lovingly he cares about every tiny or big shaggy creature out there - including myself.
I love how much he is honestly interested in everything around him,  always reading, questioning, learning and understanding - and then trying to do the right things.
I love how he is giving me patiently funny lectures from art to animals, from politics to astrobiology and most of everything between.
I love how he listens to me and all of my weird ideas, new concepts and big hopes, always ready to bravely jump right in with me and explore  the world and beyond, walking the walk.
He is so bright and mindful, goofy, hard-working and kind, generous and much more...
19 years and I still like to wear his shirts more than mine because they make me feel even closer.
I love how he makes me smile. I'm very much aware that I'm so very fortunate to have found him and I treasure every day with him. He is my best friend and so much more...


added January 03, 2015, 14:00, by Andreas

19 years...

...and each one of them was the best of my life!
19 years of being together with the most wonderful and brilliant person I've ever met!
19 years together with her and I'm looking very much forward to the next 1900 years with Meike!





© Copyright 2015
Meike Duch & Andreas Lietzow
All rights reserved.